Download ArachnoServer Data
We have made available several ways to access data in
- Export toxin information from search results:
- After running a basic search (for example using the text
field above), at the bottom of the search results you can choose
to export the results in either PDF or XML format. Data export
from basic search results contains only minimal information.
After running an advanced search, the same export options (PDF, XML) are available,
however this time the export will contain a richer set of data fields. For example as well as the toxin name
and taxonomic information, it contains the toxin description and synonyms.
- Export toxin FASTA sequences from search results:
- Also at the bottom of basic and advanced search results you will see an option to
'Get All Fasta Sequences'. Clicking this button will make available the sequences from toxins
returned from the current search. Note you can choose the sequence type (Peptide, DNA, mRNA or All).
- For convenience we have also made available some preformatted FASTA files on this page.
Please see the links to the right for descriptions.
Download FASTA files containing: